Thursday, January 8, 2015

Hello There

You know how when we come to the start of a brand new year, we will set resolutions to follow through the year... Well, this is mine.

Hello there, let me introduce myself a little. You can call me Zhen, which is by the way, a Chinese name. In case you're wondering, no, I'm in no way zen. Far from it in fact, made worse now by the anxiety of being a first time mom! I digress.. which is something that I would probably do so pretty often, as you would realise, haha.

I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Hayley, in March last year. She's pretty amazing. The babe gets excited at everything I do. She's easily tickled by my silly antics (monkey faces and such). She loves to sleep and read and eat (which are pretty much the very same things I love to do too). She loves hugs and bath times and looking out of windows and pressing the door bell and pulling my hair... I could go on forever,

I am starting this blog in hope that I can be faithful in documenting the journeys and thoughts I have in motherhood. Plus it would be a great place for Hayley to read all about her childhood. To be very honest, another reason I started this is in hope that I can hear advices from other mums too. What they feed their kids with, what activities they do, and have an online place where we can share our lives. Perhaps my blog will help out other first time moms like myself who are working full time, and are very much dependent on having a helper to take care of their babies.

You know what they say about resolutions... More often than not, we lose our resolve. Okay, I was the one who said that, but hey, one can always hope! So here goes...

My very first post :)

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